Jul 29Liked by Fortissax

Funny enough, it was the Breton Jacques Cartier who first discovered Canada. Maybe that could tie it all together somehow, but nothing comes to mind for me right now. And holy shit those white percentage projections are completely insane, I had no idea things were that bad in the west.

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Western Canada’s biggest strength, is that it was propositional. Its biggest weakness, is that it’s propositional.

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What do you mean by this exactly? My knowledge of the Canadian west is limited to a handful of trips, Louis Riel, and that song by Les Trois Accords.

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When you said “in the west” I assumed you meant in the Canadian prairies provinces. Alberta for example was founded in 1905. It has no antiquity, no history, and pretty much no identity aside from a broadly North America propositional frontier culture that has since been subsumed into a federal system. No different from Montana or Idaho. Demographic Western Canada is going to be in the worst shape.

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Jul 29Liked by Fortissax

Yes, I meant the Canadian west. I'm also an Anglo-Quebecer, and in true Québécois fashion I know very little about the other provinces. I get by the west being propositional, you're referring to how Wilfrid Laurier tried to market it as a place where non- founding-stock Europeans could go to make a life for themselves, but how was this ever an advantage? I know in one of his books, Lionel Groulx for one called that propositionality a failure as early as 1950.

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No, not quite what I meant. The western provinces, like the western American states was always this place where you could go and be whoever you want in general. This was the myth and legend of the west that pulled so many people to Alberta or to California. This culture allowed for a lot of new expressions, and a certain spirit of independence but it no longer exists.

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Jul 29Liked by Fortissax

Interesting piece but you should fix some mistakes. "Their settlement at the earliest dates back to 1497 and 1532 respectively." Neither of these dates are correct. Yes, John Cabot (real name Giovanni Caboto) discovered Newfoundland in 1497, but the first attempt at colonization wasn't until the early 17th century. And by 1532 you must mean 1534 since that was the year of Jacques Carter's first voyage to what is now Canada. But though Cartier did make an attempt at colonization on his third trip in 1541, by 1542 all the colonists who had survived the winter returned to France. It wasn't until Samuel de Champlain's founding of Quebec in 1608 that permanent European colonization of what is now Canada began.

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Thank you for your comment. I am well aware of all of these, I simply don’t care. In my view, the settlement of these specific places were a foregone conclusion. Gaspé and Hochelaga especially, being far more habitable than the initial very weak attempt at St. John’s.

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"indeed, all American groups have some Anglo blood, no matter if they’re Kraut McBastards or Wop Polacks. Even if they don’t, they speak English, and their culture is nominally Anglo. If you don’t believe me, if you think that’s not true and you’re more Italian than Italian, more German than German, why don’t you book a flight to Europe and ask them what the age of consent is in Italy or Germany. You will realize just how Anglo you are."

The argument here is that we are all more Anglo in culture? Of course. I think the point many make is that we aren't that genetically distant from our kindred overseas.

Anyways, balkanization will occur, it just won't happen along Euro ethnic lines in every case. Sometimes when there is sufficient identity they will hold together, but mostly it will be a localized balkanization based on much more complex local systems. There American county system still does a decent job showing demographics of ethnicities and races, and judging on how brutal big powers focus on small local elections, it shows that is a major fear. An American county just needs a good sheriff, and good commissioner, and a good council. That can be swung by a politically motivated populace. Some counties have like 2k people. This is why some places are still over 90% White even thought it's fast fading. They had good local governance.

It's been like 80 years since the old ethnic enclaves had any *cultural or political power* but genetically, we are still here.

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The other thing is that Europe itself has changed, especially with stuff like the EU Erasmus program.

Having a French mother while being brought up in Milan doesn't make you not Italian anymore.

The internet has made identity both global, but also hyper local.

Even his comment about the age of consent. It's like so what?

At the state or county level white ethnic identity is largely intact. The author's unique position of being an Anglo Quebecer black pills him.

Balkanization also means that an Italian American in Jersey aspires to be more Italian & less (Anglo) American now.

The growth of white ethnic identity is a positive. Anglo America died in the civil war.

Focus on dismantling DEI & immigration.

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"Anglo America died in the civil war"

Based noticer of American dynamics. Yup. The dream died then and there. Everyone fractured into sub-cultures, or they were subsumed into the "melting pot" - but the social contract that the forefathers signed was broken during that war, and since then this nation has slowly become more and more global.

Locally though, we are still here. All of my close friends are pure midwestern Germans. I am the only "odd man out" having a Scots patrilineal line, and that's because my dad moved the family away from our old Scots enclave down in Texas. I am making it a point to connect with other Gaels whenever I meet them, because it is important to keep these memories going.

Sectionalism Archive shared some information with me saying that on average the American populace groups closely to Europeans around the North Sea - which makes sense, because northwestern Euros were the primary colonizers here, and not just Anglos. However, this nation is incredibly Anglo in terms of genetic makeup. My mom's side has a considerable amount of Anglo in them.

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Canada is an example of what America would probably be like without the civil war?

Even gayer somehow.

Christcuck morality is just crying loudly every time you see masculinity.

Another man's seed in your wife is divine & she's a virgin you bigot!

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Jul 29Liked by Fortissax

So quite clearly efforts to reclaim Canada and America, will have to be focused on stabilizing and saving the Northeast Bastion, before moving on to to the rest. If balkanization is inevitable, and I hold it can still be avoided even if the opportunity daily slips away, it does not have to be permanent. North America will be reclaimed by the Northeast Bastion someday, if the worst comes to pass

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Jul 29Liked by Fortissax

So quite clearly efforts to reclaim Canada and America, will have to be focused on stabilizing and saving the Northeast Bastion, before moving on to to the rest. If balkanization is inevitable, and I hold it can still be avoided even if the opportunity daily slips away, it does not have to be permanent. North America will be reclaimed by the Northeast Bastion someday, if the worst comes to pass

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Jul 29Liked by Fortissax

Good piece

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Patriot Front's growth? Patriot Front grows 'cause it glows like Chernobyl reactor n. 4 on 26 April 1986, 01:23 MSD.

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Sorry chud but I'm gang NTI and unfortunately you guys are a biiit too close to DC for the Gov't's liking. I'd imagine they'd rather glass maine than let it become wacist.

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Neociceroniantimes.wordpress.com talks of there being two American ethnicities ie Red & Blue.

There's also Ethnic Canadian v Charter Slave.

1. Seeks to define itself against both old world monarchy & the new world US republic - against the pomp of the former & radicalism of the latter

2. Just seeks unlimited state power to use against its enemies & dress it up in the dominant language of the age.



Just the classic state v peasant conflict IMO

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So quite clearly efforts to reclaim Canada and America, will have to be focused on stabilizing and saving the Northeast Bastion, before moving on to to the rest. If balkanization is inevitable, and I hold it can still be avoided even if the opportunity daily slips away, it does not have to be permanent. North America will be reclaimed by the Northeast Bastion someday, if the worst comes to pass

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