Sounds like several areas of Sweden, Malmö (popularly called Al-Malmö nowadays) in particular.
The town has a beautiful 5 kilometers long beach, in the vernacular referred to as "The Persian Gulf". It also has a violent crime rate outstripping the capital.
Which may be "interesting": the capital has ca 2 000 000 inhabitants, the majority swedes or white european migrants. Malmö has ca 300 000 residents, of which 1/3 are swedes, the majority instead being negro or arab or of similar racial origin.
It usually sports several large gypsy camps as well.
Yes, it is ruled by a red-green coalition, and has been under Socialist Democrat rule for over a century. The area I lived in, permanently in the top three of No Go-zones here, had so frequent shootings that we didn't even wake up when a guy in an apartment in the next stairwell got blasted with half a clip from an AK-47.
I could go for days, rattling off my 25+ years of experience of living in and working in a multicultural city.
You know the solution. I know the solution. We all know the only solution.
Every single country in the West is dealing with these issues, in one way or another. It's essential in my view that we recognize the global nature of the problem, and the global scope of the people inflicting it. Our media does everything in its power to encourage people to think that it is all merely local issues.
Identifying the enemy is easy, which is why various conspiracy theories are actively encouraged. (Want to make people really talk about something? Demonise it as a topic. It's the smoke/fire-metaphor as method.)
Instead, we must think like this:
Who is threatening me and mine, here and now? What have they (the forces, groups, et c) that are threatening now, done in the past?
That way, unity is created and the enemy is simplified into the threat at hand, which immediately robs said enemy and its apologists of the word-weaponry of labelling.
"Racist? Islamophobic? No, we're just protesting against laws on genital mutilation of children being tied to race, religion and culture. One nation, one law is what's fair and equal and that's what we're for!"
It is very, very difficult for a liberal progressive to defend their agenda in public when their opponent is protesting against genital mutilation or child brides or forced marriages.
Also, we need to struggle /against/ the threat, not /for/ our particular sub-culture or specific cliwue of choice; such squabbles are what defeated the Left until the 1990s, and are something you can afford (if you have to) once you have the power.
Now, it's time for porkchops with mushroom sauce, sauteed onions, and potatoes with home-made bilberry juice from 2022, for drink.
The genital mutilation thing is funny, now that I think about it.
Twenty years ago, this was waved about as one of the great barbarities of the Ummah, a reason to go to war, that their women might be liberated from the barbaric practice of FGM.
Now, we have embraced practices that make FGM look almost quaint. It is no accident that one never hears about FGM anymore.
Talking about genital mutilation, isn't circumcision factually a genital mutilation? Because I'm born male in Canada and I'm positive that some freak w/ a white coat had the permission of Canadian society (and my government) to cut up my penis in the name of "science". But I have researched this practice and I'm kind of convinced that Jewish influence is behind the whole custom. Yet western society somehow ignores any mutilation happening right here at home and focuses instead on
"Muslim barbarities", even though I'm pretty sure that FGM isn't a Muslim rule or anything like that. If I'm wrong/misinformed please anyone enlighten me. Also-I never realized we never hear of FGM anymore, but once I read your comment it occurred to me you are right, but what practices have we embraced that make it seem quaint? I know we are barbaric -lol-but what exactly has caught your attention?
The sexual mutilation of 'trans' teenagers is a vivisectional horror show beside which FGM is nothing. At least women who have been FGM'd can still reproduce.
As to male genital mutilation, yes, this is child abuse, in fact a crime against humanity. But our society doesn't care about men so that never came up.
Oh yes, the sex change operations of teens! Of course that's what you were talking about. I can't imagine why that wasn't obvious to me, I guess my brain was not working at it's normal level after something like 7+ hours of substack immersion yesterday.
Thank you for having the guts to bring up the issue of circumcision. Whole generations of boys in Canada, the US, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa were completely needlessly mutilated through this practise, and I'm amazed there isn't more discussion of it.
Cutting off the foreskin of a male infant is completely barbaric. The foreskin is the most highly innervated human tissue that exists, and so the procedure is unimaginably painful. (Even if an anaesthetic is used, the pain is not completely eliminated.)
The damage done to both the nervous and endocrine systems in developing infants by this practise has been known for a long time - to say nothing of how the removal of the foreskin robs a man of sexual pleasure and intimacy for the rest of his life.
The only explanation for why this doesn't get discussed more is that we are living in a time when our Men and boys just don't matter anymore. That has to change - and as you have pointed out, the culprits behind it need to be identified.
FGM is very common among islamic peoples, more so among arabs and negros than among (f.e.) kurds or turks, and the practice predates islam.
There's an ongoing theological debate within islam whether or not the Koran and the hadith support it or not.
From memory (it's been a while since I looked at hard data for this, so caveat and such) about 1/3 of egyptian women over age 25 have had their labia mutilated in some fashion, and Egypt is one of the nations where the practice seems to be tapering off a little.
The reason FGM isn't reported on in western media any longer is due to the political correctness-taboo surrounding all things islamic, since so many millions of moslems have been allowed to colonise western nations. The practice is instead normalised along religious/racial lines, as is child-marriage (also an islamic tradition where the prophet's marriage and consumation of same to a nine-year old girl is held as precedence), physical discipline of women and children, and "honour" killings.
And since all criticism of non-western culturally based practices has been labeled "racism" for ca 30 years now, here we are.
Rikard, I always appreciate hearing your stories about your personal experiences with the joys of multiculturalism. Thank you.
Have you ever read any of Kevin MacDonald's work? I'm thinking in particular of "The Culture of Critique" (1998). It gets into an exhaustive explanation of the political manoeuvring behind the changes in immigration laws in the US that led to the current crisis, but the strategies he exposes apply across the West.
From MacDonald's website:
"CofC describes how Jewish intellectuals initiated and advanced a number of important intellectual and political movements during the 20th century. I argue that these movements are attempts to alter Western societies in a manner that would neutralize or end anti-Semitism and enhance the prospects for Jewish group continuity either in an overt or in a semi-cryptic manner. Several of these Jewish movements (e.g., the shift in immigration policy favoring non-European peoples) have attempted to weaken the power of their perceived competitors — the European peoples who early in the 20th century had assumed a dominant position not only in their traditional homelands in Europe, but also in the United States, Canada, and Australia. At a theoretical level, these movements are viewed as the outcome of conflicts of interest between Jews and non-Jews in the construction of culture and in various public policy issues. Ultimately, these movements are viewed as the expression of a group evolutionary strategy by Jews in their competition for social, political and cultural dominance with non-Jews."
I'm vaguely familiar with his arguement; they might apply more to a North American/US context. When you look at Europe, his entire arguement stops functioning:
Here, the major groups of migrants are either from MENA or Africa, especially of moslem origin, which means any jewish grand plan would be equal to suicide on their part, as the moslems hate them in a way not even neo-nazis do; it is positively visceral and virtually instinctive. To many, /not/ hating or at least loathing "the jew" is inconceivable. As a palestinian student told me:
"If something bad happens, it's the jew. If something good happens, someone stopped the jew".
For Sweden especially, his theories don't work, as it was decided around ca 1990 to focus on getting migrants from MENA/Africa. The reason state in the report that was the basis for the decision? They thought since nations in those areas were so "behind" us in progressing along the liberal societal values-scale, people from there would go "Yahoo!" at the thought of being rid of their cultural-religious traditions. In essence (and this goes for the entire EU), the underlying idea is to "uplift" migrants from MENA/Africa and inegrate as fellow europeans, just with different pigmentation.
It's about as racist as it can get, yet it is people like me who point out that an afghan or a somali doesn't /want/ to be rid of his culture; he likes it, it is right for him (it is indeed the basis for how he understands right/wrong) and he will teach it to his children. And as most of the cultures from those areas prize strength, demonstrated as ability to dominate by way of force (might is right), and european cultures prize co-operative compromise. . . Disaster for all involved.
And as I pointed out to swedish jews (or jewish swedes, whichever is more correct in english) long ago: "100 000 moslem votes are worth more than 1 000 jewish ones; what do you think'll happen when they make up double digits of the voting public?".
And now this is happening in all western nations - politicians out of necessity cater to the moslems (and make no mistake, Quatar, Saudi, Turkey and other islamic states lean heavily on western politicians to make allowances for moslems, or there'll be . . . trouble. . . with oil, cargo ships, et cetera), and jews are being increasingly targeted by moslem migrants and domestic lefties alike.
If anything, I think western jews will soon become the most vocal opponents of mass-migration.
I agree that on the surface, it appears to be insane for Jews to promote Muslim immigration to Europe.
But then what do you make of Barbara Lerner Spectre, Founder of Paideia - The European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden? You must have seen this clip before:
"I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. JEWS ARE GOING TO BE AT THE CENTRE OF THAT. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive." (emphasis mine)
And what do you make of the work of organizations like IsraAID, who have been documented helping boatloads of illegal immigrants land on European shores and then direct them where to go in Europe?
"Henrik & Lana expose IsraAID, an Israeli NGO that is helping migrant boats reach Europe's shores by waving them in and giving them instructions on where to go. Meanwhile, Israel itself has the lowest refugee admittance rate of any country in the world. Why won't they help Palestinians or take in these migrants from Syria, the Middle East and North Africa themselves?"
What you are writing about is quite interesting and I'll admit that probably 99% of it is news to me. Of course that isn't a shock considering that up until around 200 days ago it was nearly taboo to report on such things even within independent media and also just not acceptable in most "polite" conversations either. I will (tomorrow) check out the links you shared and then I'll get back to you with my take on them. Thanks for the info Anna.
There is also H.I.A.S. (hebrew immigrant aid society) who is in the Darien Gap orchestrating, aiding and directing the illegal alien invasion of the U.S. through Panama. Documented by Michael Yon.
Since 2021, Yon has worked as a fixer in the Darién Gap, a dangerous stretch of jungle used by migrants in Panama. He has worked with figures such as Alex Jones and Laura Loomer, getting them access to the camps where legacy media are barred by security. A New York Times article noted that he targeted the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, quoting him as saying that "they’re coming across the border and it’s being funded with Jewish money.”[45]
Except that it's not really Jewish money. It's money the Jews are extracting from the US taxpayer via the Department of Homeland Security, who has been giving out "emergency funds" to organizations like Jewish Family and Community Services to the tune of 100s of millions of dollars.
I know that's hard to believe, but there are brave Americans documenting this travesty. Check out this interview Clayton Morris did with JJ Carrell, a twenty year veteran of Customs and Border Protection:
Of course it's not really jewish money. It's money from the goyim. DHS director Mayorkas is a jew who is working to destroy America by bringing in millions of third world illegal aliens in direct defiance of U.S. immigration law.
Just look at the U.S. congress, how many dual Israel US citizens are in the US congress? What other country allows that? Every congress critter has an AIPAC handler. How many jews are in positions of power in the federal government?
I spent a few weeks a year in British Columbia from 2007-2017, in West Vancouver, and on Vancouver Island from Victoria to Quadra Island. Like many places, there is a tremendous amount of natural beauty. Most often, I was somewhat insulated from the seedy parts of Canada, but I have seen enough to know it is there. From the late 70s until the early 2000s I owned and operated my own commercial salmon fishing boat, and ran it from Washington State up the Inside Passage to Alaska to work during the summer. So, I have seen first hand an awful lot of Western Canada. My friends in West Vancouver are all pretty liberal and very bullish on Canada, and since I am more conservative and try to view things objectively, I saw things going on that seemed like real problems, that my friends refused to admit.
It all started going sideways when my friends somehow learned I was voting for Trump. I was never interested in getting into political discussions with them, and definitely thought Trudeau was doing some crazy things, but couldn't understand the vitriol directed at me. I felt that they could do what they wanted and it didn't bother me. Why were they so concerned about my vote and the US? But, just like I experience daily in the US, I have learned that anyone that isn't on the liberal agenda is an enemy. My so-called-friends started making fun of me for my political beliefs, and it got to the point where I didn't feel comfortable anymore, and quit my annual pilgrimage to Canada to recreate in the forest on mountain bikes.
About a year ago a Canadian friend reached out to criticize Biden for the policies surrounding our Southern Border. I mistakenly thought he had opened his eyes, but his concern was that it was impacting Canada. I realized that instead of blaming Trudeau, he, like most liberal Canadians, blamed the US. In our discussion I mentioned MAID, and some other Canadian issues to which he replied, "Actually, Trudeau is doing a good job." At that point I realized he was just calling to pitch me shit, just like in the past when a group of Canadians would single me out around a campfire to call me names about supporting Trump.
It is exactly the same with liberals in the US, so I don't blame Canadians in particular. Liberalism is a mental disorder. I think Trump is the lesser of two evils, and I think both republican and democrats in congress are horrible. But liberals are unwilling to have a conversation about reality. It is always "Us against Them," and they refuse to acknowledge what is so clearly going on around them.
When the women I know in Canada started quoting Ibrham X Kendi, and the men started telling me I needed to vote for Biden, I knew my time having a connection to Canada was over. Many years ago I participated in a bike race in South Africa, and Canada was beginning to remind of that. Sure, there were beautiful sights to be had and great experiences, but veer out of that bubble and it was an ugly, dangerous mess.
This was thoroughly embarrassing for me to read (as a Canadian), but you have described what I see in my fellow countrymen and women perfectly. I am in the same situation with family members who have known me my entire life - breathe a word against ideological liberalism, and in a flash, you become persona non grata.
Sometimes I look at the mess we have gotten ourselves into and I feel huge empathy and compassion for the regular schmuck who is watching their dreams circle the drain... and other times I just feel like we are getting exactly what we deserve.
Some days it gets me down, but more and more I find myself drawing strength from the whole ordeal. I think we are going through a bottleneck, and that has me looking forward to a better future. Eventually.
The Ukrainian Holodomor took place from 1932-33, and yes, it was revealed to the world by the brave reporting of Welshman Gareth Jones and the British Malcolm Muggeridge.
The Soviet Union - ushered in 15 years earlier by mostly Jewish Bolsheviks - was confiscating every last grain of wheat from peasant farmers who refused to give up their private land holdings to the state, and selling the grain on the world market. Somewhere between 5-10 million people starved to death.
Note that Hitler came to power in Germany in early 1933, with a stated aim of ridding the country of the Jewish-Communist elements that had been trying to foment yet another Bolshevik Revolution in Germany.
Meanwhile, Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected President of the US (late 1932) and started massaging communist-inspired policies into the American system. (Yes, we hear all about the New Deal that supposedly helped everyone cope with the Great Depression, but we don't get to hear much about the Economic Miracle Hitler brought about in Germany during the same time period, starting from even more dire circumstances.)
Funny that those brave British journalists exposed what Stalin and his henchman, the Jewish Lazar Kaganovich, were doing to the Ukrainians in 1933 - but the British and US governments teamed up with Stalin against Hitler a few years later in WWII anyhow.
But it's really hard to go back and re-analyze what really happened in WWII because there's this surreal creature called The Holocaust Industry (TM) that is blocking the doorway. You know, the industry staffed by the same people crying victim as they commit Gazacide against a helpless civilian population living in an open-air concentration camp.
Too bad we didn't figure this out earlier. Now the chickens are coming home to roost, and even a resource-rich country like Canada is going to the dogs.
Yes-Anna, well said: "The Holocaust Industry (TM) that is...staffed by the same people crying victim as they commit Gazacide against a helpless civilian population living in an open-air concentration camp". I think you should be hired as a writer for an actually honest news channel, the kind we never see in today's MSM.
The good news is that this is happening. Talk to the average Canadian and they’re anti-immigration. A good chance they support Danielle Smith’s restrictions on youth transitioning, or think it doesn’t go far enough.
The regime went full mask-off during COVID. Every contradiction was laid bare. Every bit of corruption, nepotism, exploitation among the political class. People saw with their own two eyes the true nature of the state, and they cranked up the stovetop from a 3 to a 9 at lighting speed. The top post on the most popular housing subreddit in Canada is openly calling for remigration of millions.
The math is simple: Canadians are not going to own a home or land as long as 2.2 million foreigners enter the country per year, and the regime continues to function the way it does. This was the reason for the RCMP report to federal ministers. They are genuinely concerned about revolutionary conditions, and the regimes material incapacity to deal with it.
From talking to normies, my sense is that they're still very cautious. "I don't want to be racist, but..." They seem to largely be under the impression that their feelings on the immigration question are those of a small and shameful minority.
I suspect that might change, but it doesn't help that there's no hope of a political solution for them to rally around.
In barroom conversations I'm surprised at how much silent support the PPC gets. All in hushed tones and looks over shoulders of course, like we're discussing a black market exchange in Warsaw in 1973.
When you actually outline the party's immigration platform you'll get a lot of nodding heads. But Bernier and the party have been so relentlessly smeared and mocked in the mainstream media that you would have a *very* difficult time deprogramming people, especially when the flak of abortion and vaccines are thrown into the air.
Well I tend to disagree with your statement (don't want to be negative or argue, rather just wanting to be honest), I know that Canada has gone crazy by bringing in so many people, so quickly, with little to no infrastructure (jobs/housing/toilets/etc) to support the numbers, and I think that itself is the problem. Or most of the problem. It isn't the race or religion of these people for the most part that is bad. Actually I think "old stock Canadians" aka the WASPs & the natives are worse than the immigrants and I know I will not at all be popular for this opinion. It goes against the tide, where the other is alien and they stink (of curry/goat meat/incense/whatever) plus they are FILL IN THE BLANKS. Muslims are viewed as fanatics who want to marry multiple women (steal "our" women) &/or commit multiple terrorist attacks. Yet western society has itself raised generations of men & women who are fucked up to put it mildly. Terrorist attacks? Come on-9/11 was all ours (or our with Israel's help, and Israel is a western project if there ever was one). Anyways, I do not think Canada should kick out the people we have welcomed, not unless they do some wicked crime and then certainly. Yes-stop all immigration now for a long time until we fix things, if that's even possible. In closing I will say this: Everyone is different and variety adds spice to life-there's no reason all of us can't get along and build a better future in a huge country like Canada, a gigantic place where there's room for multiple different ways to worship the same God and multiple different ways to be happy and love one another.
Canada is much smaller than it looks on a map. The easily inhabitable parts of the country are already settled. Newcomers aren't settling in the empty northern wastes; they're being packed into cities to juice real estate prices.
As to the rest of it: the only people who think this way are WASPs. The rest of the planet is far more ethnocentric, particularly those parts we're drawing new "Canadians" from. Distasteful as it is for you to characterize them as "better" than Whites, it's also very much beside the point. Do we get to have our own territory, as everyone else does? Does a people lose title to its land because they aren't "superior"?
I said my opinion wouldn't make me popular and just look at the reply under yours (not mine-deed's), lol. I don't think I'll reply to that. Anyways-I never said "better", but I did say "us" are worse. I did not mean it racially. I'm not sure exactly how I mean it, except that our "culture" is embarrassing to me. I hear what you say about Canada not being huge-yes-it's only along the bottom strip & the few cities where these immigrants are coming. Yes-there are many, many problems imported along with these people & these problems are varied and difficult to reconcile with our own values, or actually lack of values. I'm not a person who has swallowed the Kool Aid of hatred of white people. In truth I believe all of us, every living creature is a soul and is originally equal. Certainly we are not equal on the material platform-some are far higher placed and some far lower. Anyways-your idea that "we get to have our own territory" is already long gone the way of the Dodo-are we to violently evict even those born on this continent from immigrant parents because they prefer their parent's home culture (in part) to our own? Because actually you preferring your own people is exactly like what they do & it's natural but that doesn't make their culture, or our culture, superior or inferior, rather they are simply different and both are flawed and both have strengths. My thinking is that it's best if we make the best of a bad bargain: Keep what we have-block out any more radical immigration numbers-Canada first in every way and that includes the right to food, shelter, clothing and education while ensuring that everyone able to contribute to the welfare of all should work, while all actually needing help are helped. The wealth of Canada (and there is a lot & that includes the fact Canada has resources enough to support many, many more than currently live here) should be harnessed to ensure support for a happy, healthy lifespan for all. I don't view WASPs lacking in any way that would indicate they can't be happy alongside newcomers of any type and if all this immigration dooms us then we were not good enough to last anyways. So I don't hate the skin or the culture I am born into but rather welcome new ways of viewing myself and new ways of viewing others.
I reject the stance that remigration is too difficult, cruel, or violent, and is therefore off the table. They were imported by an illegitimate regime acting in bad faith against the interests of the nation.
There are historical precedents. The Algerians, upon gaining independence, gave the ethnic French the choice between the suitcase and the the coffin. One of the Baltic states (Latvia maybe?), colonized by ethnic Russians during the Soviet years, simply declared that all citizenships granted during that period were null and void, having come from a foreign occupation. Ethnic Russians became non-citizens overnight, and shortly after that, they left. No violence required.
Don't kid yourself with these inane strawmen. North African, Arabic, Turkish, and Sub-Saharan Muslims are both quantifiably and merely observably the most criminal demographics throughout the European Union, especially Sweden, Netherlands, Germany, France. If you think that everyone who rightfully sees that these foreign cultures and religions are entirely incompatible western European values is "worse than [the immigrants]", then you're being foolish and willfully ignorant.
As it happens, with the way things are going, you'll be getting a much larger taste of this soon enough, especially when there eventually aren't enough "WASPs" --the same ones who built Canada into the nation it is to begin with-- to wipe Canada's ass anymore.
"There's no reason we can't get along" It's hilarious to me how Western egalitarians such as yourself project this infantile manner of thought onto cultures who demand intolerance towards things you tolerate. Tell it to the clannish Muslims to whom blood-relation child brides are a cultural familiarity, to whom homosexuals are a people for theocratic monarchical governments such as that of Saudi Arabia to execute, routinely might I add, at a whim. Are you willing to share a nation with people whose religious prophet, supposedly ordained by God himself, sexually consummated his 'marriage' to a nine year old girl? Could you get along with people like that? In your own words, perhaps child sexual abuse is merely a way of "worshipping the same God". Wouldn't want to be bigoted towards their venerable cultural and religious practices, would we now?
That kinda gives a bit of hope, that at least there’s no full blown denial going on because your article resembles 95% my experience here in Canada yet not a single brick was ever thrown.
The company and the coworkers I work with are intensely coy and the way they speak or talk about problems is always “everybody else’s fault” (i.e the US and “old white male republicans in the senate” fault). They truly also talk against themselves.
By the way, myself I’m an immigrant that feels totally scammed and bled to no end from my hard work where a high salary (by gov metrics) is still far from enough to buy a home comfortably (now never will, already bought in the US instead, don’t want to give more taxes, feed more corruption, etc by putting money on that). While subsidizing those that took the easy route and not have to go through integrating, doing the paperwork, learning the language or not even have to work.
I had the luxury to start life here with a couple of Quebecers that introduced me to this great country… but they even after a decade+ got tired of the chaotic expensive nonsense city hub life and parted ways deeper into the country.
For many years I worked with and around Canadians in the Western U.S. exploration mining business. They were great but no offense I found them to be childlike in their trust for government. I was in Haiti in 95 and was around the RCMP quite a bit. Often enough to have discussions. They had no concept of individual rights as in rights exist and aren't given by government. the idea of the US bill of rights was completely foreign to them.
There’s some important historical context here for understanding why Canadians might be described as "gullible" or blindly trusting of the state. Outside of the usual stuff, like western elites broadly utilizing Edward Bernays style propaganda and information control, Canada’s founding ideology is 18th-century Toryism, in contrast to the USA’s classical liberal republicanism of the enlightenment. Even with this Toryism having more, or less liberal branches. Canada is a breakaway society from the USA, just as the USA was a breakaway society from the United Kingdom. The Canadian motto is 'Peace, Order, and Good Government,' not 'liberty, fraternity, equality,' or the similar 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.' We have a reactionary streak in the cultures of our founding populations. The Anglo-Canadian Loyalists were staunch Traditionalists, Monarchists, and Imperialists. The Québécois, whom they conquered at the Battle of the Plains of Abraham, who they capitulated to core demands for after the Patriote rebellion, were mostly recent colonial descendants of France’s arguably most aggressive and pious conquering nomads—the Normans. During the French Revolution, the Catholic Church in Quebec staunchly reinforced its traditionalist, conservative Catholic Monarchism and Traditionalism. Quebec was functionally a theocratic state until the Quiet Revolution. It is now an atheist, feminist, social democratic authoritarian, managerial welfare state. This reactionary streak, whose normally positive authoritarian tendencies have been excellently subverted, now serves the sinister needs of Canada’s decadent and privileged managerial elite. As for the Mounties, they have a century-long history of regular questionable conduct. I wish I could say there was a time they were like Canadian knights. Protectors of the good, the innocent, and the integrity of Canada itself, as the image they’ve marketed of themselves and others have marketed of them but this is sadly not the case.
The Tories fled to Canada. Good commentary. Different tradition and history. Still though serious discussion with Canadians always dismayed. Besides that I always liked Canada, AlCan 2X, climbing in Banff National Park and some time in Vancouver. Where most of the time I thought I was in Hong Kong. Had a .44 S&W for bears in Alaska. No problem crossing the border, they put the pistol in a locked bag. I guess you probably can't do that now.
Now I consider Canada behind enemy lines. Your characterization of the RCMP doesn't surprise. Although at the time being propagandized that the RCMP was upright, fair and honorable I was disappointed then too. but then I knew that the f.b.i. , atf cia et al weren't or at least had suspicions long before that. kgb stasi f.b.i not much different in kind. A little different in degree, now, anyway. Just give them time.
The anglo sphere culture that produced the novel 1984 and many other examples and this is what we have now.
The fact that you can't defend yourself against criminal attack is profoundly evil.
A small correction: I wouldn’t say they “fled”. This implies they were chased out, or pursued. The Loyalists of New England and Virginia marched north, into the frozen wasteland of marshes and bogs, so devoutly stubborn in their principles of God, King and Country, to start all over again. What they built, was little Canada. A a place that once punched far above its weight class across the board in every category.
I live in an apartment in downtown Winnipeg, MB. Canada and can attest that the story is essentially fact based. I can esp. testify to the screams outside my building, coming almost every night, even in the coldest weather (-40 C and even colder some nights). Everything has changed radically in the past few years and not for the better in any way. There was a time when only a few were homeless, and factually most of them brought it upon themselves. Not now though, when I can't avoid seeing vast numbers of homeless persons, many barely adults, and most I believe just somehow "fell through the cracks" because there isn't a real home here in Canada for them. The story I just finished was amusing in many ways but the reality on the ground is not.
This is a surprising revelation to me. I would have never thought the homeless would even survive in a place like Winnipeg. I heard murmurs about them somehow eking out a living in Montreal, despite is similarly frozen hell weather.
Just like you I would never have thought the homeless would survive in Winnipeg, but somehow they do. Most crowd into hastily opened "warming centers" when temperatures plunge really low (it does get to -40 C occasionally) yet on ordinary winter days & nights people layer up real thick and only a few are found frozen to death. I knew a 27 year old woman who died two winters ago on one of the coldest of the days and not enough time has yet passed to dull my memory of her. The saddest part of the story is there are heated warm unused buildings everywhere, some government owned and some privately owned, yet there doesn't seem to be much will to open them for anyone in need. The people of Canada are for the most part the best part of Canada, but somehow our leaders always seem to not be one of those.
The ones in Montreal mostly survive because of our public transport system, which is better than the other ones in Canada but still shit. They sleep in metro stations during the day
Hi MP, if I had seen your comment about Montreal's homeless earlier I would have "liked" it right away. I used to live in Montreal many years ago, and actually came somewhat close to becoming homeless there myself. I was only around 22 years old at most and I'm pretty sure I would have been utterly destroyed in spirit if that had happened to me then. Montreal may not be as cold as Winnipeg, but it is cold enough to kill a man, surely cold enough to make a homeless man wish he was dead. Right now in Winnipeg it is very hot & around where I live there are probably more people living on the streets than live in apartments (apartments & rooms are the only living spaces here, anyone wealthy enough to own a house has long fled the area). Outside I hear screaming, fighting on an almost non-stop basis, although it's quite now & that's very unusual. I'm not sure what makes everyone out there so angry, but angry isn't a strong enough word really. Around 3 weeks ago a man walking with his wife to pick up their 12 year old son for lunch was stabbed to death 20 feet from my building's front doors & although my windows were wide open and I heard all the yelling, screaming and cries of his wife as he was repeatedly stabbed, I didn't even look out my window because I thought "Oh, it just more of the crazy's". And when the sirens howled and the police & paramedics were fighting to save his life all I heard was more wild yelling so I saw no reason to move 3 feet to look at the street. And the wildest thing is that this sort of activity is only increasing by the day.
Your piece reads like Bladerunner! Really nice. It's unfortunate, though, that it's not fiction. Whoever it was that said it, was right: it only takes a generation, a really determined generation, to f... everything up. More but not different in kind from the US.
As a Canadian, who escaped from Toronto 5 years ago, I can attest to most of it. I did not go far enough. I moved to Barrie with the expectation that it will gentrify. It ethnified instead. Punjabis, Gujaratis and Tamils on student visas, which does not even count in the immigration numbers even though most of them will stay. They were pushing out the local rednecks who just moved out to villages.
As for the locked bank account "for security reasons" it happened to me less than a month ago while on vacation in Mexico. I had to deal with a few missed payments from the account.
On the other hand, Canadians voted for Turdeau three times. They must like what he is doing.
The fact that Heritage Canadians actually know the different type of Indians says a lot. In the U.S., 3rd world immigration isn't nearly as in your face (partly because of the high population, partly because we have "higher quality" immigrants who actually get their degrees and can't leech off welfare)
I thought for sure you were describing a specific city in the Golden Horseshoe area. Unfortunately, this tale is applicable to any mid-large city. The silver lining is that this nightmare is rapidly approaching the breaking point.
To be honest I thought he was describing Mississauga or Brampton or Vaughan. I can show this to friends of mine who live there who could replicate this story to a T.
Anyway, here's something that's supposed to lift your spirits, although it might go either way: French is a ROMANCE language. Same as Spanish. As in... German ISN'T. ;) And I trust you're familiar with the relevant part of history so I won't be retelling it. :)
This is Toronto... the city has degraded in a way that boggles the mind in the past 10 years. It's nearly unrecognizable from how it was even in the 80s. It's been a slow, then fast, descent since the 90s.
I for one have had more than enough.
Fully onside with full remigration and about an 80% reduction in the federal govt.
Time to have our country back and stop pretending to go all along to get along. That clearly hasn't worked. It's going to be pretty hard to deny the truth now, it's in everyone's faces.
Can someone just please explain how diversity is strength?
Sounds like several areas of Sweden, Malmö (popularly called Al-Malmö nowadays) in particular.
The town has a beautiful 5 kilometers long beach, in the vernacular referred to as "The Persian Gulf". It also has a violent crime rate outstripping the capital.
Which may be "interesting": the capital has ca 2 000 000 inhabitants, the majority swedes or white european migrants. Malmö has ca 300 000 residents, of which 1/3 are swedes, the majority instead being negro or arab or of similar racial origin.
It usually sports several large gypsy camps as well.
Yes, it is ruled by a red-green coalition, and has been under Socialist Democrat rule for over a century. The area I lived in, permanently in the top three of No Go-zones here, had so frequent shootings that we didn't even wake up when a guy in an apartment in the next stairwell got blasted with half a clip from an AK-47.
I could go for days, rattling off my 25+ years of experience of living in and working in a multicultural city.
You know the solution. I know the solution. We all know the only solution.
Every single country in the West is dealing with these issues, in one way or another. It's essential in my view that we recognize the global nature of the problem, and the global scope of the people inflicting it. Our media does everything in its power to encourage people to think that it is all merely local issues.
Identifying the enemy is easy, which is why various conspiracy theories are actively encouraged. (Want to make people really talk about something? Demonise it as a topic. It's the smoke/fire-metaphor as method.)
Instead, we must think like this:
Who is threatening me and mine, here and now? What have they (the forces, groups, et c) that are threatening now, done in the past?
That way, unity is created and the enemy is simplified into the threat at hand, which immediately robs said enemy and its apologists of the word-weaponry of labelling.
"Racist? Islamophobic? No, we're just protesting against laws on genital mutilation of children being tied to race, religion and culture. One nation, one law is what's fair and equal and that's what we're for!"
It is very, very difficult for a liberal progressive to defend their agenda in public when their opponent is protesting against genital mutilation or child brides or forced marriages.
Also, we need to struggle /against/ the threat, not /for/ our particular sub-culture or specific cliwue of choice; such squabbles are what defeated the Left until the 1990s, and are something you can afford (if you have to) once you have the power.
Now, it's time for porkchops with mushroom sauce, sauteed onions, and potatoes with home-made bilberry juice from 2022, for drink.
The genital mutilation thing is funny, now that I think about it.
Twenty years ago, this was waved about as one of the great barbarities of the Ummah, a reason to go to war, that their women might be liberated from the barbaric practice of FGM.
Now, we have embraced practices that make FGM look almost quaint. It is no accident that one never hears about FGM anymore.
Talking about genital mutilation, isn't circumcision factually a genital mutilation? Because I'm born male in Canada and I'm positive that some freak w/ a white coat had the permission of Canadian society (and my government) to cut up my penis in the name of "science". But I have researched this practice and I'm kind of convinced that Jewish influence is behind the whole custom. Yet western society somehow ignores any mutilation happening right here at home and focuses instead on
"Muslim barbarities", even though I'm pretty sure that FGM isn't a Muslim rule or anything like that. If I'm wrong/misinformed please anyone enlighten me. Also-I never realized we never hear of FGM anymore, but once I read your comment it occurred to me you are right, but what practices have we embraced that make it seem quaint? I know we are barbaric -lol-but what exactly has caught your attention?
The sexual mutilation of 'trans' teenagers is a vivisectional horror show beside which FGM is nothing. At least women who have been FGM'd can still reproduce.
As to male genital mutilation, yes, this is child abuse, in fact a crime against humanity. But our society doesn't care about men so that never came up.
Oh yes, the sex change operations of teens! Of course that's what you were talking about. I can't imagine why that wasn't obvious to me, I guess my brain was not working at it's normal level after something like 7+ hours of substack immersion yesterday.
Thank you for having the guts to bring up the issue of circumcision. Whole generations of boys in Canada, the US, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa were completely needlessly mutilated through this practise, and I'm amazed there isn't more discussion of it.
Cutting off the foreskin of a male infant is completely barbaric. The foreskin is the most highly innervated human tissue that exists, and so the procedure is unimaginably painful. (Even if an anaesthetic is used, the pain is not completely eliminated.)
The damage done to both the nervous and endocrine systems in developing infants by this practise has been known for a long time - to say nothing of how the removal of the foreskin robs a man of sexual pleasure and intimacy for the rest of his life.
The only explanation for why this doesn't get discussed more is that we are living in a time when our Men and boys just don't matter anymore. That has to change - and as you have pointed out, the culprits behind it need to be identified.
FGM is very common among islamic peoples, more so among arabs and negros than among (f.e.) kurds or turks, and the practice predates islam.
There's an ongoing theological debate within islam whether or not the Koran and the hadith support it or not.
From memory (it's been a while since I looked at hard data for this, so caveat and such) about 1/3 of egyptian women over age 25 have had their labia mutilated in some fashion, and Egypt is one of the nations where the practice seems to be tapering off a little.
The reason FGM isn't reported on in western media any longer is due to the political correctness-taboo surrounding all things islamic, since so many millions of moslems have been allowed to colonise western nations. The practice is instead normalised along religious/racial lines, as is child-marriage (also an islamic tradition where the prophet's marriage and consumation of same to a nine-year old girl is held as precedence), physical discipline of women and children, and "honour" killings.
And since all criticism of non-western culturally based practices has been labeled "racism" for ca 30 years now, here we are.
Not really, not necessarily.
Some ethnic groups are predisposed to a very unpleasant condition called for-skin deformity around puberty. It is also a hygiene issue.
I know this from a friend of my teenage years who had to suffer through the removal at the age of 16.
In the case of girls, it is a very different business. The only purpose is to deprive them of experiencing sexual pleasure.
I think about this very thing all the time.
We all know the only solution. Yes.
Rikard, I always appreciate hearing your stories about your personal experiences with the joys of multiculturalism. Thank you.
Have you ever read any of Kevin MacDonald's work? I'm thinking in particular of "The Culture of Critique" (1998). It gets into an exhaustive explanation of the political manoeuvring behind the changes in immigration laws in the US that led to the current crisis, but the strategies he exposes apply across the West.
From MacDonald's website:
"CofC describes how Jewish intellectuals initiated and advanced a number of important intellectual and political movements during the 20th century. I argue that these movements are attempts to alter Western societies in a manner that would neutralize or end anti-Semitism and enhance the prospects for Jewish group continuity either in an overt or in a semi-cryptic manner. Several of these Jewish movements (e.g., the shift in immigration policy favoring non-European peoples) have attempted to weaken the power of their perceived competitors — the European peoples who early in the 20th century had assumed a dominant position not only in their traditional homelands in Europe, but also in the United States, Canada, and Australia. At a theoretical level, these movements are viewed as the outcome of conflicts of interest between Jews and non-Jews in the construction of culture and in various public policy issues. Ultimately, these movements are viewed as the expression of a group evolutionary strategy by Jews in their competition for social, political and cultural dominance with non-Jews."
I'm vaguely familiar with his arguement; they might apply more to a North American/US context. When you look at Europe, his entire arguement stops functioning:
Here, the major groups of migrants are either from MENA or Africa, especially of moslem origin, which means any jewish grand plan would be equal to suicide on their part, as the moslems hate them in a way not even neo-nazis do; it is positively visceral and virtually instinctive. To many, /not/ hating or at least loathing "the jew" is inconceivable. As a palestinian student told me:
"If something bad happens, it's the jew. If something good happens, someone stopped the jew".
For Sweden especially, his theories don't work, as it was decided around ca 1990 to focus on getting migrants from MENA/Africa. The reason state in the report that was the basis for the decision? They thought since nations in those areas were so "behind" us in progressing along the liberal societal values-scale, people from there would go "Yahoo!" at the thought of being rid of their cultural-religious traditions. In essence (and this goes for the entire EU), the underlying idea is to "uplift" migrants from MENA/Africa and inegrate as fellow europeans, just with different pigmentation.
It's about as racist as it can get, yet it is people like me who point out that an afghan or a somali doesn't /want/ to be rid of his culture; he likes it, it is right for him (it is indeed the basis for how he understands right/wrong) and he will teach it to his children. And as most of the cultures from those areas prize strength, demonstrated as ability to dominate by way of force (might is right), and european cultures prize co-operative compromise. . . Disaster for all involved.
And as I pointed out to swedish jews (or jewish swedes, whichever is more correct in english) long ago: "100 000 moslem votes are worth more than 1 000 jewish ones; what do you think'll happen when they make up double digits of the voting public?".
And now this is happening in all western nations - politicians out of necessity cater to the moslems (and make no mistake, Quatar, Saudi, Turkey and other islamic states lean heavily on western politicians to make allowances for moslems, or there'll be . . . trouble. . . with oil, cargo ships, et cetera), and jews are being increasingly targeted by moslem migrants and domestic lefties alike.
If anything, I think western jews will soon become the most vocal opponents of mass-migration.
I agree that on the surface, it appears to be insane for Jews to promote Muslim immigration to Europe.
But then what do you make of Barbara Lerner Spectre, Founder of Paideia - The European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden? You must have seen this clip before:
"I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. JEWS ARE GOING TO BE AT THE CENTRE OF THAT. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive." (emphasis mine)
And what do you make of the work of organizations like IsraAID, who have been documented helping boatloads of illegal immigrants land on European shores and then direct them where to go in Europe?
"Henrik & Lana expose IsraAID, an Israeli NGO that is helping migrant boats reach Europe's shores by waving them in and giving them instructions on where to go. Meanwhile, Israel itself has the lowest refugee admittance rate of any country in the world. Why won't they help Palestinians or take in these migrants from Syria, the Middle East and North Africa themselves?"
What you are writing about is quite interesting and I'll admit that probably 99% of it is news to me. Of course that isn't a shock considering that up until around 200 days ago it was nearly taboo to report on such things even within independent media and also just not acceptable in most "polite" conversations either. I will (tomorrow) check out the links you shared and then I'll get back to you with my take on them. Thanks for the info Anna.
There is also H.I.A.S. (hebrew immigrant aid society) who is in the Darien Gap orchestrating, aiding and directing the illegal alien invasion of the U.S. through Panama. Documented by Michael Yon.
Since 2021, Yon has worked as a fixer in the Darién Gap, a dangerous stretch of jungle used by migrants in Panama. He has worked with figures such as Alex Jones and Laura Loomer, getting them access to the camps where legacy media are barred by security. A New York Times article noted that he targeted the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, quoting him as saying that "they’re coming across the border and it’s being funded with Jewish money.”[45]
Except that it's not really Jewish money. It's money the Jews are extracting from the US taxpayer via the Department of Homeland Security, who has been giving out "emergency funds" to organizations like Jewish Family and Community Services to the tune of 100s of millions of dollars.
I know that's hard to believe, but there are brave Americans documenting this travesty. Check out this interview Clayton Morris did with JJ Carrell, a twenty year veteran of Customs and Border Protection:
Of course it's not really jewish money. It's money from the goyim. DHS director Mayorkas is a jew who is working to destroy America by bringing in millions of third world illegal aliens in direct defiance of U.S. immigration law.
Just look at the U.S. congress, how many dual Israel US citizens are in the US congress? What other country allows that? Every congress critter has an AIPAC handler. How many jews are in positions of power in the federal government?
Richard, supporting them is not possible. So there is no solution
I spent a few weeks a year in British Columbia from 2007-2017, in West Vancouver, and on Vancouver Island from Victoria to Quadra Island. Like many places, there is a tremendous amount of natural beauty. Most often, I was somewhat insulated from the seedy parts of Canada, but I have seen enough to know it is there. From the late 70s until the early 2000s I owned and operated my own commercial salmon fishing boat, and ran it from Washington State up the Inside Passage to Alaska to work during the summer. So, I have seen first hand an awful lot of Western Canada. My friends in West Vancouver are all pretty liberal and very bullish on Canada, and since I am more conservative and try to view things objectively, I saw things going on that seemed like real problems, that my friends refused to admit.
It all started going sideways when my friends somehow learned I was voting for Trump. I was never interested in getting into political discussions with them, and definitely thought Trudeau was doing some crazy things, but couldn't understand the vitriol directed at me. I felt that they could do what they wanted and it didn't bother me. Why were they so concerned about my vote and the US? But, just like I experience daily in the US, I have learned that anyone that isn't on the liberal agenda is an enemy. My so-called-friends started making fun of me for my political beliefs, and it got to the point where I didn't feel comfortable anymore, and quit my annual pilgrimage to Canada to recreate in the forest on mountain bikes.
About a year ago a Canadian friend reached out to criticize Biden for the policies surrounding our Southern Border. I mistakenly thought he had opened his eyes, but his concern was that it was impacting Canada. I realized that instead of blaming Trudeau, he, like most liberal Canadians, blamed the US. In our discussion I mentioned MAID, and some other Canadian issues to which he replied, "Actually, Trudeau is doing a good job." At that point I realized he was just calling to pitch me shit, just like in the past when a group of Canadians would single me out around a campfire to call me names about supporting Trump.
It is exactly the same with liberals in the US, so I don't blame Canadians in particular. Liberalism is a mental disorder. I think Trump is the lesser of two evils, and I think both republican and democrats in congress are horrible. But liberals are unwilling to have a conversation about reality. It is always "Us against Them," and they refuse to acknowledge what is so clearly going on around them.
When the women I know in Canada started quoting Ibrham X Kendi, and the men started telling me I needed to vote for Biden, I knew my time having a connection to Canada was over. Many years ago I participated in a bike race in South Africa, and Canada was beginning to remind of that. Sure, there were beautiful sights to be had and great experiences, but veer out of that bubble and it was an ugly, dangerous mess.
This was thoroughly embarrassing for me to read (as a Canadian), but you have described what I see in my fellow countrymen and women perfectly. I am in the same situation with family members who have known me my entire life - breathe a word against ideological liberalism, and in a flash, you become persona non grata.
Sometimes I look at the mess we have gotten ourselves into and I feel huge empathy and compassion for the regular schmuck who is watching their dreams circle the drain... and other times I just feel like we are getting exactly what we deserve.
I'm sorry you are living that. It isn't like the US is much better.
Some days it gets me down, but more and more I find myself drawing strength from the whole ordeal. I think we are going through a bottleneck, and that has me looking forward to a better future. Eventually.
The only way through, is through.
What a great and evocative piece of reportage.
Reminds me of a Pre Christian Holodomor, Ukraine 1936 ,as written by a Muggeridge or a Lasch.
Brilliant, scary . And we in Britain need to learn ,and fast
The Ukrainian Holodomor took place from 1932-33, and yes, it was revealed to the world by the brave reporting of Welshman Gareth Jones and the British Malcolm Muggeridge.
The Soviet Union - ushered in 15 years earlier by mostly Jewish Bolsheviks - was confiscating every last grain of wheat from peasant farmers who refused to give up their private land holdings to the state, and selling the grain on the world market. Somewhere between 5-10 million people starved to death.
Note that Hitler came to power in Germany in early 1933, with a stated aim of ridding the country of the Jewish-Communist elements that had been trying to foment yet another Bolshevik Revolution in Germany.
Meanwhile, Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected President of the US (late 1932) and started massaging communist-inspired policies into the American system. (Yes, we hear all about the New Deal that supposedly helped everyone cope with the Great Depression, but we don't get to hear much about the Economic Miracle Hitler brought about in Germany during the same time period, starting from even more dire circumstances.)
Funny that those brave British journalists exposed what Stalin and his henchman, the Jewish Lazar Kaganovich, were doing to the Ukrainians in 1933 - but the British and US governments teamed up with Stalin against Hitler a few years later in WWII anyhow.
But it's really hard to go back and re-analyze what really happened in WWII because there's this surreal creature called The Holocaust Industry (TM) that is blocking the doorway. You know, the industry staffed by the same people crying victim as they commit Gazacide against a helpless civilian population living in an open-air concentration camp.
Too bad we didn't figure this out earlier. Now the chickens are coming home to roost, and even a resource-rich country like Canada is going to the dogs.
Yes-Anna, well said: "The Holocaust Industry (TM) that is...staffed by the same people crying victim as they commit Gazacide against a helpless civilian population living in an open-air concentration camp". I think you should be hired as a writer for an actually honest news channel, the kind we never see in today's MSM.
That was a fekkin' depressing read! When does our survival instinct kick in?
The good news is that this is happening. Talk to the average Canadian and they’re anti-immigration. A good chance they support Danielle Smith’s restrictions on youth transitioning, or think it doesn’t go far enough.
The regime went full mask-off during COVID. Every contradiction was laid bare. Every bit of corruption, nepotism, exploitation among the political class. People saw with their own two eyes the true nature of the state, and they cranked up the stovetop from a 3 to a 9 at lighting speed. The top post on the most popular housing subreddit in Canada is openly calling for remigration of millions.
The math is simple: Canadians are not going to own a home or land as long as 2.2 million foreigners enter the country per year, and the regime continues to function the way it does. This was the reason for the RCMP report to federal ministers. They are genuinely concerned about revolutionary conditions, and the regimes material incapacity to deal with it.
From talking to normies, my sense is that they're still very cautious. "I don't want to be racist, but..." They seem to largely be under the impression that their feelings on the immigration question are those of a small and shameful minority.
I suspect that might change, but it doesn't help that there's no hope of a political solution for them to rally around.
In barroom conversations I'm surprised at how much silent support the PPC gets. All in hushed tones and looks over shoulders of course, like we're discussing a black market exchange in Warsaw in 1973.
Interesting. I haven't brought the PPC up in such a context. I'll have to see how that goes.
When you actually outline the party's immigration platform you'll get a lot of nodding heads. But Bernier and the party have been so relentlessly smeared and mocked in the mainstream media that you would have a *very* difficult time deprogramming people, especially when the flak of abortion and vaccines are thrown into the air.
They're the only party to have a sane immigration policy. Or any sane policy.
Given time, they might develop into Canada's AfD. For now, the hold of the CBC's manufactured consensus is too strong.
Well I tend to disagree with your statement (don't want to be negative or argue, rather just wanting to be honest), I know that Canada has gone crazy by bringing in so many people, so quickly, with little to no infrastructure (jobs/housing/toilets/etc) to support the numbers, and I think that itself is the problem. Or most of the problem. It isn't the race or religion of these people for the most part that is bad. Actually I think "old stock Canadians" aka the WASPs & the natives are worse than the immigrants and I know I will not at all be popular for this opinion. It goes against the tide, where the other is alien and they stink (of curry/goat meat/incense/whatever) plus they are FILL IN THE BLANKS. Muslims are viewed as fanatics who want to marry multiple women (steal "our" women) &/or commit multiple terrorist attacks. Yet western society has itself raised generations of men & women who are fucked up to put it mildly. Terrorist attacks? Come on-9/11 was all ours (or our with Israel's help, and Israel is a western project if there ever was one). Anyways, I do not think Canada should kick out the people we have welcomed, not unless they do some wicked crime and then certainly. Yes-stop all immigration now for a long time until we fix things, if that's even possible. In closing I will say this: Everyone is different and variety adds spice to life-there's no reason all of us can't get along and build a better future in a huge country like Canada, a gigantic place where there's room for multiple different ways to worship the same God and multiple different ways to be happy and love one another.
Canada is much smaller than it looks on a map. The easily inhabitable parts of the country are already settled. Newcomers aren't settling in the empty northern wastes; they're being packed into cities to juice real estate prices.
As to the rest of it: the only people who think this way are WASPs. The rest of the planet is far more ethnocentric, particularly those parts we're drawing new "Canadians" from. Distasteful as it is for you to characterize them as "better" than Whites, it's also very much beside the point. Do we get to have our own territory, as everyone else does? Does a people lose title to its land because they aren't "superior"?
I said my opinion wouldn't make me popular and just look at the reply under yours (not mine-deed's), lol. I don't think I'll reply to that. Anyways-I never said "better", but I did say "us" are worse. I did not mean it racially. I'm not sure exactly how I mean it, except that our "culture" is embarrassing to me. I hear what you say about Canada not being huge-yes-it's only along the bottom strip & the few cities where these immigrants are coming. Yes-there are many, many problems imported along with these people & these problems are varied and difficult to reconcile with our own values, or actually lack of values. I'm not a person who has swallowed the Kool Aid of hatred of white people. In truth I believe all of us, every living creature is a soul and is originally equal. Certainly we are not equal on the material platform-some are far higher placed and some far lower. Anyways-your idea that "we get to have our own territory" is already long gone the way of the Dodo-are we to violently evict even those born on this continent from immigrant parents because they prefer their parent's home culture (in part) to our own? Because actually you preferring your own people is exactly like what they do & it's natural but that doesn't make their culture, or our culture, superior or inferior, rather they are simply different and both are flawed and both have strengths. My thinking is that it's best if we make the best of a bad bargain: Keep what we have-block out any more radical immigration numbers-Canada first in every way and that includes the right to food, shelter, clothing and education while ensuring that everyone able to contribute to the welfare of all should work, while all actually needing help are helped. The wealth of Canada (and there is a lot & that includes the fact Canada has resources enough to support many, many more than currently live here) should be harnessed to ensure support for a happy, healthy lifespan for all. I don't view WASPs lacking in any way that would indicate they can't be happy alongside newcomers of any type and if all this immigration dooms us then we were not good enough to last anyways. So I don't hate the skin or the culture I am born into but rather welcome new ways of viewing myself and new ways of viewing others.
I reject the stance that remigration is too difficult, cruel, or violent, and is therefore off the table. They were imported by an illegitimate regime acting in bad faith against the interests of the nation.
There are historical precedents. The Algerians, upon gaining independence, gave the ethnic French the choice between the suitcase and the the coffin. One of the Baltic states (Latvia maybe?), colonized by ethnic Russians during the Soviet years, simply declared that all citizenships granted during that period were null and void, having come from a foreign occupation. Ethnic Russians became non-citizens overnight, and shortly after that, they left. No violence required.
Don't kid yourself with these inane strawmen. North African, Arabic, Turkish, and Sub-Saharan Muslims are both quantifiably and merely observably the most criminal demographics throughout the European Union, especially Sweden, Netherlands, Germany, France. If you think that everyone who rightfully sees that these foreign cultures and religions are entirely incompatible western European values is "worse than [the immigrants]", then you're being foolish and willfully ignorant.
As it happens, with the way things are going, you'll be getting a much larger taste of this soon enough, especially when there eventually aren't enough "WASPs" --the same ones who built Canada into the nation it is to begin with-- to wipe Canada's ass anymore.
"There's no reason we can't get along" It's hilarious to me how Western egalitarians such as yourself project this infantile manner of thought onto cultures who demand intolerance towards things you tolerate. Tell it to the clannish Muslims to whom blood-relation child brides are a cultural familiarity, to whom homosexuals are a people for theocratic monarchical governments such as that of Saudi Arabia to execute, routinely might I add, at a whim. Are you willing to share a nation with people whose religious prophet, supposedly ordained by God himself, sexually consummated his 'marriage' to a nine year old girl? Could you get along with people like that? In your own words, perhaps child sexual abuse is merely a way of "worshipping the same God". Wouldn't want to be bigoted towards their venerable cultural and religious practices, would we now?
Edited for grammar shortly after posting.
That kinda gives a bit of hope, that at least there’s no full blown denial going on because your article resembles 95% my experience here in Canada yet not a single brick was ever thrown.
The company and the coworkers I work with are intensely coy and the way they speak or talk about problems is always “everybody else’s fault” (i.e the US and “old white male republicans in the senate” fault). They truly also talk against themselves.
By the way, myself I’m an immigrant that feels totally scammed and bled to no end from my hard work where a high salary (by gov metrics) is still far from enough to buy a home comfortably (now never will, already bought in the US instead, don’t want to give more taxes, feed more corruption, etc by putting money on that). While subsidizing those that took the easy route and not have to go through integrating, doing the paperwork, learning the language or not even have to work.
I had the luxury to start life here with a couple of Quebecers that introduced me to this great country… but they even after a decade+ got tired of the chaotic expensive nonsense city hub life and parted ways deeper into the country.
agreed. In Minecraft.
For many years I worked with and around Canadians in the Western U.S. exploration mining business. They were great but no offense I found them to be childlike in their trust for government. I was in Haiti in 95 and was around the RCMP quite a bit. Often enough to have discussions. They had no concept of individual rights as in rights exist and aren't given by government. the idea of the US bill of rights was completely foreign to them.
There’s some important historical context here for understanding why Canadians might be described as "gullible" or blindly trusting of the state. Outside of the usual stuff, like western elites broadly utilizing Edward Bernays style propaganda and information control, Canada’s founding ideology is 18th-century Toryism, in contrast to the USA’s classical liberal republicanism of the enlightenment. Even with this Toryism having more, or less liberal branches. Canada is a breakaway society from the USA, just as the USA was a breakaway society from the United Kingdom. The Canadian motto is 'Peace, Order, and Good Government,' not 'liberty, fraternity, equality,' or the similar 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.' We have a reactionary streak in the cultures of our founding populations. The Anglo-Canadian Loyalists were staunch Traditionalists, Monarchists, and Imperialists. The Québécois, whom they conquered at the Battle of the Plains of Abraham, who they capitulated to core demands for after the Patriote rebellion, were mostly recent colonial descendants of France’s arguably most aggressive and pious conquering nomads—the Normans. During the French Revolution, the Catholic Church in Quebec staunchly reinforced its traditionalist, conservative Catholic Monarchism and Traditionalism. Quebec was functionally a theocratic state until the Quiet Revolution. It is now an atheist, feminist, social democratic authoritarian, managerial welfare state. This reactionary streak, whose normally positive authoritarian tendencies have been excellently subverted, now serves the sinister needs of Canada’s decadent and privileged managerial elite. As for the Mounties, they have a century-long history of regular questionable conduct. I wish I could say there was a time they were like Canadian knights. Protectors of the good, the innocent, and the integrity of Canada itself, as the image they’ve marketed of themselves and others have marketed of them but this is sadly not the case.
The Tories fled to Canada. Good commentary. Different tradition and history. Still though serious discussion with Canadians always dismayed. Besides that I always liked Canada, AlCan 2X, climbing in Banff National Park and some time in Vancouver. Where most of the time I thought I was in Hong Kong. Had a .44 S&W for bears in Alaska. No problem crossing the border, they put the pistol in a locked bag. I guess you probably can't do that now.
Now I consider Canada behind enemy lines. Your characterization of the RCMP doesn't surprise. Although at the time being propagandized that the RCMP was upright, fair and honorable I was disappointed then too. but then I knew that the f.b.i. , atf cia et al weren't or at least had suspicions long before that. kgb stasi f.b.i not much different in kind. A little different in degree, now, anyway. Just give them time.
The anglo sphere culture that produced the novel 1984 and many other examples and this is what we have now.
The fact that you can't defend yourself against criminal attack is profoundly evil.
A small correction: I wouldn’t say they “fled”. This implies they were chased out, or pursued. The Loyalists of New England and Virginia marched north, into the frozen wasteland of marshes and bogs, so devoutly stubborn in their principles of God, King and Country, to start all over again. What they built, was little Canada. A a place that once punched far above its weight class across the board in every category.
completely agree and I withdraw the word. I understand principle and standing fast. No problem. I think Canada was once as you say.
This makes me want to kill people. In Minecraft.
It makes me want to divert public assistance funds into one way flights home. In Minecraft.
This articles hits HARD. I have shared it around already to a few other canucks. Thanks!
The country seems to be addicted to the drug of inbound immigration and real estate speculation. An economic and social fent zombie.
I live in an apartment in downtown Winnipeg, MB. Canada and can attest that the story is essentially fact based. I can esp. testify to the screams outside my building, coming almost every night, even in the coldest weather (-40 C and even colder some nights). Everything has changed radically in the past few years and not for the better in any way. There was a time when only a few were homeless, and factually most of them brought it upon themselves. Not now though, when I can't avoid seeing vast numbers of homeless persons, many barely adults, and most I believe just somehow "fell through the cracks" because there isn't a real home here in Canada for them. The story I just finished was amusing in many ways but the reality on the ground is not.
This is a surprising revelation to me. I would have never thought the homeless would even survive in a place like Winnipeg. I heard murmurs about them somehow eking out a living in Montreal, despite is similarly frozen hell weather.
Just like you I would never have thought the homeless would survive in Winnipeg, but somehow they do. Most crowd into hastily opened "warming centers" when temperatures plunge really low (it does get to -40 C occasionally) yet on ordinary winter days & nights people layer up real thick and only a few are found frozen to death. I knew a 27 year old woman who died two winters ago on one of the coldest of the days and not enough time has yet passed to dull my memory of her. The saddest part of the story is there are heated warm unused buildings everywhere, some government owned and some privately owned, yet there doesn't seem to be much will to open them for anyone in need. The people of Canada are for the most part the best part of Canada, but somehow our leaders always seem to not be one of those.
The ones in Montreal mostly survive because of our public transport system, which is better than the other ones in Canada but still shit. They sleep in metro stations during the day
Hi MP, if I had seen your comment about Montreal's homeless earlier I would have "liked" it right away. I used to live in Montreal many years ago, and actually came somewhat close to becoming homeless there myself. I was only around 22 years old at most and I'm pretty sure I would have been utterly destroyed in spirit if that had happened to me then. Montreal may not be as cold as Winnipeg, but it is cold enough to kill a man, surely cold enough to make a homeless man wish he was dead. Right now in Winnipeg it is very hot & around where I live there are probably more people living on the streets than live in apartments (apartments & rooms are the only living spaces here, anyone wealthy enough to own a house has long fled the area). Outside I hear screaming, fighting on an almost non-stop basis, although it's quite now & that's very unusual. I'm not sure what makes everyone out there so angry, but angry isn't a strong enough word really. Around 3 weeks ago a man walking with his wife to pick up their 12 year old son for lunch was stabbed to death 20 feet from my building's front doors & although my windows were wide open and I heard all the yelling, screaming and cries of his wife as he was repeatedly stabbed, I didn't even look out my window because I thought "Oh, it just more of the crazy's". And when the sirens howled and the police & paramedics were fighting to save his life all I heard was more wild yelling so I saw no reason to move 3 feet to look at the street. And the wildest thing is that this sort of activity is only increasing by the day.
Your piece reads like Bladerunner! Really nice. It's unfortunate, though, that it's not fiction. Whoever it was that said it, was right: it only takes a generation, a really determined generation, to f... everything up. More but not different in kind from the US.
As a Canadian, who escaped from Toronto 5 years ago, I can attest to most of it. I did not go far enough. I moved to Barrie with the expectation that it will gentrify. It ethnified instead. Punjabis, Gujaratis and Tamils on student visas, which does not even count in the immigration numbers even though most of them will stay. They were pushing out the local rednecks who just moved out to villages.
As for the locked bank account "for security reasons" it happened to me less than a month ago while on vacation in Mexico. I had to deal with a few missed payments from the account.
On the other hand, Canadians voted for Turdeau three times. They must like what he is doing.
The fact that Heritage Canadians actually know the different type of Indians says a lot. In the U.S., 3rd world immigration isn't nearly as in your face (partly because of the high population, partly because we have "higher quality" immigrants who actually get their degrees and can't leech off welfare)
to be honest, I am not typical. I'v been to India three times, have seen more of it than most Indians
Are you white? I've never heard of a non-indian going to India and going back again. Unless for work maybe
Yes I am 'white'. I must be a pervert of some sort :)
India is not easy, but I find it fascinating. I would go back any time, but there are too many other places to still see.
I thought for sure you were describing a specific city in the Golden Horseshoe area. Unfortunately, this tale is applicable to any mid-large city. The silver lining is that this nightmare is rapidly approaching the breaking point.
To be honest I thought he was describing Mississauga or Brampton or Vaughan. I can show this to friends of mine who live there who could replicate this story to a T. I didn't realize this was a thing. Tells you something. :)
Anyway, here's something that's supposed to lift your spirits, although it might go either way: French is a ROMANCE language. Same as Spanish. As in... German ISN'T. ;) And I trust you're familiar with the relevant part of history so I won't be retelling it. :)
One of the best pieces of writing I’ve read so far this decade. Wow.
“Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.”
Frederich Nietzsche
My advice to you is to get the hell out of Dodge.
This is Toronto... the city has degraded in a way that boggles the mind in the past 10 years. It's nearly unrecognizable from how it was even in the 80s. It's been a slow, then fast, descent since the 90s.
I for one have had more than enough.
Fully onside with full remigration and about an 80% reduction in the federal govt.
Time to have our country back and stop pretending to go all along to get along. That clearly hasn't worked. It's going to be pretty hard to deny the truth now, it's in everyone's faces.
Can someone just please explain how diversity is strength?