The existence of Canada depends on a will to resist the desire for American assimilation… Canada can only survive by conserving its particular traditions and rejecting the universalism of American liberalism.
— George Grant, Lament for a Nation, 1965.
As the week comes to a close, we can only take a deep breath in anticipation of what happens next. President-Elect Donald J. Trump and Vice President-Elect J.D. Vance have won the American election of 2024 against Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party. A wave of relief and anxious optimism has overtaken right-wingers around the world. They did it—Elon Musk, Trump, Tulsi Gabbard, Vance, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.—they pulled off what seemed like was potentially impossible. Barron Trump (who might be Emperor of the United States one day based on how things are going) was instrumental in his father’s victory by giving the advice to go on the Joe Rogan podcast and get Vance to go with him. This event may have won the Republicans the Generation Z and Young Millennial male vote, as the Democrats and their voters have made it clear they don’t care whatsoever about men, especially white, Sensitive Young Men™️.
In the United States and around the world, the right is basking in its cultural victory against the managerial elite and its ugly, spiteful mutant freaks, too mid-witted and spiritually consumed by the DEI civic cult to recognize not only how unpopular they were but how outright despised. Trump won the popular vote, along with a massacre in every swing state in the union. Nick Fuentes, despite his destructive and divisive efforts to prevent Trump’s victory, delivered a diabolical speech in an attempt to backtrack on his anti-Trump stance. The speech has become a darkly funny—if cruel—audio clip on TikTok, further twisting the serrated, rusted, electrified knife in the open wounds of leftist women everywhere. The internet is flooded with videos of hysterical meltdowns, with Democrat voters screaming and crying. Trump derangement syndrome has led to historic wait times on mental health crisis hotlines, especially among LGHDTV+ youth worldwide. Tragically, one individual took his own life and that of his family in despair over the election outcome.
The departments of the managerial regime around the world, including Airstrip One with Overseer Starmer, have quietly and anxiously distanced themselves from the victory. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, fulfilled his professional duties (for once) by addressing Trump with respect, to the shock and horror of the government-funded Canadian Anti-Hate Network, whose predecessor, Anti-Racist Canada, was openly Antifa-aligned. Dozens of insufferably pretentious, credentialed engagement-bait liberal accounts on X are in a complete meltdown. The shock and awe of the fat orange Cheeto Thanos Voldemort Putler winning south of the border is all the proof they need of Canada’s moral, ethical, and cultural superiority to those savage animal Americans. Well, they were always dumb, Christian, gun-toting bigots—sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, Islamophobic, theocratic fascist Nazis who want The Handmaid’s Tale in real life, just like Auntie Atwood said.
Another phenomenon, however, is also occurring.
An insignificant yet loud minority among right-wing Canadian populists on Xitter are calling themselves “Maple MAGA,” with some expressing a reasonable desire for Canada to restore itself with a “MAGA ideology.” The term “Maple MAGA” is a derogatory slur used by Canadian liberals, coined by Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister—Wicked Witch of the North—and is not intended as a term of endearment. The more extreme accounts are even calling for the outright annexation of Canada by the United States, which all Canadians should oppose if they value their dignity and self-respect. I’d invoke the memory of our Fathers of Confederation, the innovation behind the Avro Arrow (once the world’s most advanced bomber interceptor), possessing the fourth largest navy in the world after WWII, Samuel de Champlain’s great expedition and exploits, the Filles du Roi, and the Loyalist Americans who, like Aeneas leading the Trojans after the fall of Troy in the Iliad, marched north to Canada after the Revolutionary War to found a new civilization. Yet, if they already knew or identified with our glorious past, they wouldn’t be so quick to support an even greater loss of independence and sovereignty to the almighty American empire.
Make no mistake, I admire and appreciate the United States, if that wasn’t clear. There are no people more similar to the Canadian people in the world than Americans. They are Canada’s largest trading partner. Both countries were born of Albion’s Seed, (in Canada, with the indomitable lily of Norman conquerors), sharing the North American frontier experience, and forming a family of five great Anglo nations spread on four continents, once united under a single imperial government, and now vassals of its successor. Had the United States not elected Donald J. Trump, it would have continued down a path unopposed, as bad or worse than Canada under the liberal party. There is a very real opportunity for this American Caesar to reverse much of the socioeconomic and cultural damage wrought upon it by enemies foreign and domestic. Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter, now X, once the bias was removed quickly became a right-wing dominant forum where truths long-feared would embolden many, everywhere to speak their minds. Elon fulfilled the ancient internet prophecy that all public forums with no censorship become right wing, simply because of the objective truths.
Elon didn’t turn it right-wing, he simply removed the government censorship of the DEI cultist board, and their allied state goons in the intelligence agencies from suppressing stories and information from reaching the American public, and the world. The Counter-Elite, a loose alliance of the Paypal Mafia, Peter Thiel, Elon Musk and MAGA populists, in America are a force of nominal good, a positive for right-wing dissidents around the world fighting their own existential struggles against local managerial regimes. If Trump and the cast of would-be heroes succeeds, the United States will enter an era of unprecedented recovery for the forseaable future—though it’s not a magic bullet for the civilizational decline as recently written about by fellow Substacker Dave Green, aka The Distributist.
The United States was Canada’s first, and arguably still its greatest, existential threat—ironically, mostly through no fault of its own, but rather due to its Jupiterian gravity beside little Canada. Canada may be the second-largest country on the planet after the Russian Federation, but it’s a small nation, with only an estimated 28 million ethnic Canadians, 90% of whom live within 200 kilometres of the U.S. border, as much of the country is an inhospitable wasteland of spruce bog and rock, almost impossible to settle due to permafrost. The habitable areas are extremely hot in summer, or extremely cold in winter. Canadians have often looked southward at the Titan with a sense of fatalism. Many intellectuals and journalists over the centuries have wondered when, if, how, and where Canada would meet what felt like its “inevitable” dissolution into the hands of the Yankees. Despite these fears, that dissolution never came.
Yet whispers of provinces seceding—making the “great escape” from the failing post-national economic zone Canada has become to join the booming, recovering United States—are on the lips of some Canadians. If not outright secession, than abandoning the monarchy, establishing a constitutional republic modeled off of the United States of America, copying the constitution, and pathetically copying its culture. I believe the majority of right-wing Canadians would favour constitutional reform to enshrine our own equivalent of legally protected freedom of speech and the right to bear arms. These are ancient English traditions of the "Yeoman" or Free Man, with roots visible in free speech and weapon-carrying practices across the ancient Germanic world. They are by no means exclusive to the United States. Canada and England had considerably relaxed gun laws until recent decades, and changes like these wouldn’t require us to sacrifice our sovereignty to the U.S..
The majority of these whispers, or ignorant proclamations, are mostly from populist accounts on Xitter from the Freedom Convoy era, many of them loosely affiliated with the People’s Party of Canada, with moderate to significant follower counts in the Canadian space. A key feature of these populist accounts is the inclusion of American and Canadian flags in their names or bios, along with a heavy-handed use of ill-fitting MAGA rhetoric. Many of these figures mimic American conservatives, saying things like, “I don’t mind legal immigration; it’s illegal immigration I hate!” This pat on the back, intended to morally shield themselves from accusations of racism by leftists, makes little sense when considering that mass migration into Canada has been entirely legal. Temporary foreign workers, international students, permanent residents, refugees, and regular immigrants make up the majority of newcomers, rather than illegal immigrants. Other populists focus on vague messages about “freedom” as a supposed “Canadian value.” Yet “freedom” in the American sense—freedom at the expense of order—was never a core Canadian value. Canada’s motto, “Peace, Order, and Good Government,” reflects Canadians’ inherently more illiberal nature, despite the liberalism touted by Canadian elites.
Canada has always been caught between two worlds: imperialism of the British and imperialism of the Americans. But Canadians, as a conservative people, traditionally valued Community over the individual, Order over freedom, and Authority over autonomy.
— George Grant, Lament for a Nation, 1965
If only illegal immigration were the issue in Canada, “maple MAGA” should have no problem with the seemingly infinite number of Indian migrants, Hindustani, Khalistani, Russian, Chinese and Israeli infiltration in government, sectarian violence in our streets, economic warfare, election interference, or the Century Initiative’s policy guidelines to increase Canada’s population to 100 million by 2100—without the consent of the governed and exclusively through immigration.
Americans say the above because, it is extremely difficult to emigrate to the United States legally (especially if you’re White, law abiding, educated, tax paying citizen), and there is a 7% cap per one nation the annual number of immigrants can originate from. Canada by contrast, has absolutely zero safeguards, a much weaker border force, and the government has no desire to do anything about it save for pathetic face-saving peanuts reductions and restrictions.
Centrist Caesars
I was listening to Morgoth of Morgoth’s Review recently. He had a take that I believe is clairvoyant, and that I’ve observed myself. If we start from the idea that Donald Trump is The Last American President, as in, he embodies the white American classical liberal ethos of the United States, then the narrative of his rise, fall, and comeback is rooted in popular culture of the 1980s and 1990s. There’s an undercurrent of American nostalgia that drives populists, as most MAGA voters are Baby Boomers, and Generation X, who reached their peak in that era. Trump’s rhetoric and propaganda are all reminiscent of movies like Rocky IV.
Trump represents the last hurrah of his generation; Vance represents a post-liberal future. “MAGA ideology” is a racially inclusive, monocultural, authoritarian civic patriotism, a callback to the 1980s. In the 1980s, limited numbers of foreigners faced a white American supermajority and were incentivized to assimilate through socioeconomic pressure. This inclusivity is rooted in Western liberalism and Anglo culture. The problem is, we’ve been here before. This ideology—this inability or unwillingness to be exclusionary or to organize around in-group interests—is precisely how we ended up with identity poltics, “wokeness” and the DEI cult. If you don’t want identity politics, you shouldn’t introduce more identities.
In Canada, Baby Boomers and Generation X remember a time when they were the supermajority, and the foreign-born population was small—perhaps running a corner store on their street and often expressing deep gratitude for the opportunity to live, work, and prosper among Canadians. Canadians, however, did not experience the full scope of these newcomers' cultures and differences. Instead, they received a "sample"—a taste, like the food samples offered at a stand in Loblaws—and mistakenly believed that the social dynamics and the power relationship between Canadians and newcomers would remain unchanged forever.
This approach led to mass immigration, dramatic demographic transformation, the formation of ethnic enclaves, and an anti-Western, anti-white ideology as social pressures for assimilation diminished along with the decline in social status of White Americans in favour of foreign groups and cultures. "Colourblind meritocracy" fails because ethnocentrism is innate in individuals, even among MAGA populists or classical liberals. Ironically, its the unique worldview of White Americans and ethnic Canadians. Attempts to build a society where individual merit supersedes racial, ethnic, or religious backgrounds are as catastrophically utopian as communism—it always leads to tribalism.
Assimilation only works when newcomers have pre-existing relationships and underlying similarities to the host culture. This is why white ethnic groups in Canada, not of Anglo-French heritage, could adopt local culture, values, and language in either cultural sphere. An Italian, or a Pole, for example, is historically Catholic, speaks a Latin language, and is racially White. By contrast, people from the Indian subcontinent are so profoundly different that integrating them in large numbers is extraordinarily difficult. Even more when federal Canada hasn’t integrated foreigners for 50 years. The only province that currently has integrationist policies with mixed-results in place, is Quebec.
Even the early Indian diaspora in Canada formed a culture distinct from both Indian and Canadian traditions. These “Indo-Canadians” embody a hybrid identity that doesn’t fully align with either fresh-off-the-boat Indian immigrants or with ethnic Canadians. For practical purposes, they are more North American than Indian but not entirely. In hindsight, it would have been better if such groups had not immigrated in large numbers, as they are unlikely to ever be fully Canadian or fully Indian. In contrast, Germans, Ukrainians, and some Italians shared enough cultural and ethnic similarities to be absorbed into the Anglo-French majority, despite historic hurdles.
Appearance matters; visibly distinct groups often face subtle exclusions, reinforcing separate in-group identities. The South Asian diaspora in Canada reflects this dynamic. In cities like Vancouver and the Greater Toronto Area, it’s common to encounter rootless South Asians of mixed heritage—Gujarati and Iranian, or Emirati and Pakistani—who speak only English, yet don’t fully identify with Canada. The solution is to accept these differences and move forward with realistic expectations about integration, and encourage re-migration. Forced integration will not work. The Western world has literally be doing this since the 1960s with catastrophic failure, because Western people are afraid of being mean and exlclusionary.
Last night, I joined an X space discussing the backlash against Max Bernier for posing with Indian Hindu immigrants to Canada, who were wearing People’s Party of Canada shirts. This innocuous, friendly gesture and show of Canadian support was met with understandable reservation and anger. While Bernier wasn’t pandering, that’s how it came across, and it practically fractured the coalition of populist patriots and ethnic nationalists in Canada overnight. The situation worsened when it was revealed that this group, which reached out to Bernier to “support the PPC,” was actually an advocacy group for promoting Indian interests and opposing “Hinduphobia” domestically and internationally. This would be funny if it weren’t so tragic.
Maple MAGA is not Canadian
MAGA ideology is reactionary liberalism, aiming to return to the stability of the 1980s without the social fabric or demographics of the era, spread globally through the widespread influence and export of American culture. It’s no coincidence that the rise of the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) party, Brexit, the popularity of Marine Le Pen, Geert Wilders, and Viktor Orban (who has strong support in the United States), as well as figures like Eva Vlaardingerbroek—the stunningly beautiful Dutch commentator—the Dutch farmer protests, and Canada’s Freedom Convoy all occurred around the same time, often sharing similar rhetoric. While some of these figures have raised concerns about destructive demographic shifts, popularly framed as the “Great Replacement” narrative now visibly unfolding, they still champion a multicultural coalition with an American conservative (classical liberal) approach.
One might joke that this movement resembles a “Nationalist Internationale”—except that, by and large, neither these figures nor their parties and organizations are truly nationalists. Nations are made up of people, not just ideas; they share common ethnicity and blood lineage. This has been the historic norm in the West, and is the current norm literally everywhere around the world, except for the West.
Nationalism, at its core, requires an understanding of who belongs and who does not. You cannot be a nationalist and simultaneously inclusive of all foreign groups. At some point, lines must be drawn to define the in-group and the out-group.
If everyone can be a Canadian, then nobody is a Canadian. A piece of paper and crossing a magic line called a border don’t make you Nigerian or Japanese. Your personal experiences and the culture you were raised in, your peer group, doesn’t change just because you checked in with CBSA.
At the time of writing, self-reported data from Statistics Canada in the 2021 Census proves that ethnic Canadians, who are Anglo-French, were a combined total of 72% of the national population that year.
Anglo-Canadian (All British Isles Groups): 21,3 million
French-Canadian (All French Groups): 6,2 million
If we combine both of these together, approximately 72.7% of Canada's population is Anglo-Canadian and French-Canadian.
People may claim to be "Irish" or "Scottish, or "English", but the truth is, all British diaspora groups no longer exist as separate ethnicities. Over time, the English-speaking founders have merged—similar to how the Angles, Jutes, Saxons, and Frisians merged in England, into a common nation after arriving in Britain around 450 AD—this process created a unique Anglo-Canadian ethnicity and identity.
As of 2021, 21.3 million people, or 56% of the national population in identify as Anglo-Canadian. This leads to my next point.
Canadians are not simply “white.” The majority of racially white people in Canada are specifically of Anglo-French heritage, a legacy reflected in many national symbols—from the decor on Parliament buildings in Ottawa to the coat of arms on Canadian passports and the Canadian Red Ensign flag, which was replaced by the Maple Leaf under the Pearson Liberal government in 1965. More on that here.
Canadians are not ethnically a smorgasbord of random European ethnicity like white Americans, who share no cohesive ethnicity across their country.
Dutch, German, Ukrainian, Italian, Poles Scandinavians, and other white ethnic minorities culturally fall into Anglo-Canadian or French Canadian, and typically intermarry with the Anglo-French majority. The majority of these other groups don't speak their mother languages either.

For better or worse, MAGA is right-wing globalism, projected through American institutions and empire that risk homogenizing and erasing culture and identity. If forced to choose, I would of course prefer the authoritarian classical liberalism of “centrist Caesars” like Donald Trump—but MAGA in Canada represents an alignment of Canadian politics, identity, and nation towards a longer timeline of dissolution and irrelevance, rather thanFor better or worse, MAGA is right-wing globalism, projected through American institutions and empire that risk homogenizing and erasing what's left of Canadian culture and identity. Especially if the United States cannot get its demographic issues under control or allow the white American majority to become minority status.
If forced to choose, I would of course prefer the authoritarian classical liberalism of “centrist Caesars” like Donald Trump—but MAGA in Canada represents an alignment of Canadian politics, identity, and nation towards a longer timeline of dissolution and irrelevance, rather than near immediate destruction under the managerial regime and the DEI civic cult.
While it may end up being the last vehicle for Canadians to secure their continued existence in some remnant, any observant person would think twice before jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire. near immediate destruction under the managerial regime and the DEI civic cult. While it may end up being the last vehicle for Canadians to secure their continued existence in some remnant, any observant person would think twice before jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire.
I am really enjoying your writing. You capture so much of what I fear has gone wrong with this country.
I grew up rurally in the west and I was submitted to all the cultural mosaic propaganda and it wasn’t until fairly recently that I realized people actually believed this stuff.
Another interesting piece. I think though that the horse is out of the barn, if even Bernier is being duped into posing for multi-culti photos akin to hostage photos of looking down the barrel of a gun.
If the recent Diwali riots and fights in Brampton have taught me anything is that *that* is the future of the country, writ large, at least in former post-war suburbs. I don't have an answer for this, only that I'm trying to self-segregate myself as much as possible into a similar cultural sphere of my own wherever I can find it. I note that, in downtown Toronto, I was one of the few wearing poppies. Only older Boomer whites and a smattering of young ones - perhaps fellow Substack readers - were wearing them. Anyone Chinese, Indian, etc., not a chance.